
Warren County Library Live Programs

Warren County Library Live Programs All programs are held in the gazebo at Catherine Dickson Branch of the Library at 4 Lambert Rd, Blairstown, NJ 07825. Please register at https://warrenlib.evanced.info/signup/calendar. For ages 5-12. Caregivers for children aged 9 and under must remain at the event. Free. LIFT OFF Wednesday, September 15, 4:30 pm Maker Club…

Origami Circuits

Origami Circuits Lately I have been really enjoying creating origami circuits. This a fun mash up of the ancient paper folding techniques with electrical circuits. It’s built on the popular paper circuit project which used conductive copper tape to attach items, usually LEDs, to crafts such as cards and artwork. But origami circuits create 3D…

Early January Newsletter

New programs and projects for January! Start the new year with great classes and projects! Once again Kaleidoscope is here with details about classes we’re offering, upcoming events, fun projects, interesting news, and other information to guide your family’s science, technology, engineering, math, and maker explorations. We hope you’ll share with all your friends. If you would like more…

Maker Campus Workshops

Maker Campus Workshops Make: Magazine, Make: Co, and Maker Camp have recently launched a new learning platform specially designed for Maker Education. Maker Campus is a place to connect, learn, and make together. Find enriching and interactive events including talks by expert makers, project demos, classes, virtual workshop tours, and more. I am very honored…


Make: Co kicked off the maker movement with innovative Maker Faires, international programs for kids like Maker Camp, loads of books and kits, and, of course, the beloved magazine. When COVID-19 closed schools around the world in 2020, Make coordinated online workshops and programs offered for free by selected maker hosts. Our own Sandy Roberts…

Light Up Origami Butterfly

This project was originally shared on Make: Projects. Fold a simple butterfly using origami and then add LEDs to create light-up antenna. This is a fun way to learn about and build circuits while also practicing the precision of origami and being creative. This project is based on the Luna Moth from The Big Book…