
Water Bottle Submarines

These simple upcycled water bottle submarines are a great way to explore buoyancy, air pressure, and density. When placed in water, the bottle fills with water, pulling it down below the surface, then, by blowing air through an attached straw, the water is forced out and the submarine rises again. Not only is this a…

Virtually Maker Faire

With real-life Maker Faires on hold across the globe due to COVID-19, a new, online version has arrived. Featuring 24 hours of presentations, workshops, demos, and exhibits across all time zones by makers all across the globe, Virtually Maker Faire is unlike any other event. So on March 23rd, the internet becomes the stage as…

Fun with WeDiscoverGeeks

WeDiscoverGeeks was founded by Kat Mahoney in 2013. A mother, computer scientist, and mental health expert, Kat wanted to flip the script on how video games and social media were viewed. The result was an organization devoted to S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and MAKING), video game education, creative thinking, cosplay, community engagement, and entertainment.…

Live Streams!

Hi all! With schools and libraries closed here in NJ, I’ve been live streaming lots of maker and STEM content. It’s been so exciting learning the ins and outs of the technology. I’ve created projects for Kaleidoscope Enrichment, LLC, Warren County Library System, and Make: as part of Family Maker Camp. I’ve put all of…

Light Up Peace Candle

This year I was very excited to be invited to participate in Aaron Maurer’s 25 Days of Making on his fantastic Coffee for the Brain site. The idea was to feature at least twenty-five different STEM, STEAM and maker projects by different educators from all over the globe so that teachers could use the projects with their students.