
Summer Newsletter!

Summer Newsletter! The 2021 Summer Newsletter is out! Once again Kaleidoscope Enrichment is here with details about classes we’re offering, upcoming events, fun projects, interesting news, and other information to guide your family’s science, technology, engineering, math, and maker explorations. We hope you’ll share with all your friends. It’s officially time for our Summer of Science 2021! We’ll be offering free STEM…

STEM Extras at Blairstown Farmers Market

STEM Extras at Blairstown Farmers Market We’re adding an exciting new component to our Summer of Science program for 2021. In addition to our many free activities, we are now offering a more advanced kit option with guided instruction from Sandy right at the farmer’s market! Once again we’ll be back at the Blairstown Farmer’s…

Sponsor the TREP$ program

Sponsor TREP$

Sponsor TREP$ For the last decade, I’ve hosted TREP$ programs for kids in Warren County, NJ. TREP$, short for enTREPreneur$, is a project-based learning program that teaches kids in grades 4-8 how to start their own businesses. They learn the lessons afterschool, over the summer, or remote workshops, and apply them at home as they…

DIY Printing with Spices!

DIY Printing with Spices! Using common grocery store items we will make our own photoreactive paper that you can use to capture images with sunlight. For this project, you’ll need turmeric, Borax, 91% isopropyl alcohol, a foam brush, thick paper (like watercolor paper), a tall jar, and the glass from a picture frame. With parental…

Water Bottle Submarines

These simple upcycled water bottle submarines are a great way to explore buoyancy, air pressure, and density. When placed in water, the bottle fills with water, pulling it down below the surface, then, by blowing air through an attached straw, the water is forced out and the submarine rises again. Not only is this a…