
25 Days of Making

For the last several years, “Coffee for the Brain” creator Aaron Maurer, a fantastic educator, blogger, and podcaster, has lead an amazing seasonal project. It’s called the 25 Days of Making and it’s wonderful. Basically, Aaron gets dozens of makers, teachers, writers, and educators to create special projects to celebrate creativity. Those projects are collected on a website and each day, starting in November, a new project is released so that folks can make something new. If you sign up for the newsletter, each day in your inbox you’ll have something new to inspire you.

This is my second year participating. Last year I made a Light Up Peace Candle, in honor of the Easton Peace Candle holiday display near my home. This year I created a Light Up Gift Box project, celebrating Small Business Saturday and our local mom & pop shops that need our support now more than ever.

So please, join the newsletter, get inspired, and make something new every day as we head into the holiday season! Click below for my 2020 project!

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