
STEM Extras at Blairstown Farmers Market

STEM Extras at Blairstown Farmers Market We’re adding an exciting new component to our Summer of Science program for 2021. In addition to our many free activities, we are now offering a more advanced kit option with guided instruction from Sandy right at the farmer’s market! Once again we’ll be back at the Blairstown Farmer’s…

Sponsor the TREP$ program

Sponsor TREP$

Sponsor TREP$ For the last decade, I’ve hosted TREP$ programs for kids in Warren County, NJ. TREP$, short for enTREPreneur$, is a project-based learning program that teaches kids in grades 4-8 how to start their own businesses. They learn the lessons afterschool, over the summer, or remote workshops, and apply them at home as they…

DIY Printing with Spices!

DIY Printing with Spices! Using common grocery store items we will make our own photoreactive paper that you can use to capture images with sunlight. For this project, you’ll need turmeric, Borax, 91% isopropyl alcohol, a foam brush, thick paper (like watercolor paper), a tall jar, and the glass from a picture frame. With parental…

Origami Circuits

Origami Circuits Lately I have been really enjoying creating origami circuits. This a fun mash up of the ancient paper folding techniques with electrical circuits. It’s built on the popular paper circuit project which used conductive copper tape to attach items, usually LEDs, to crafts such as cards and artwork. But origami circuits create 3D…