
In my experience, Sunday morning at Maker Faire has a totally different feel than Saturday. By this point you’ve already set up your booth, you’ve had an entire day of interacting with the public, you know your stuff. So generally you can relax a bit and have a cup of coffee while you wait for the Faire to open. 

Just hanging out and taking selfies at World Maker Faire NY 2018.
Ready to go at World Maker Faire 2018!

Unless your booth or project had some kind of epic fail during the night. If that’s the case Sunday is insanely stressful. 

Luckily, we’d covered everything in plastic the night before and nothing took any damage. Other than having run out of some supplies the previous day and needing to restock, we were in good shape.

We gave out 500 buttons at World Maker Faire NY 2018. Time to order more!

Sundays are nice because they have a slower start. Many people attend church or other family activities so you have an hour or two before the crowds build. On the other hand, once you hit noon or so, you’re swamped with families.

It was all hands on deck most of the day. I spent much of it talking to other makers and educators, while my intrepid crew led kids though hundreds of superhero projects. It was intense, but fun.

I was excited to help Kathy Ceceri with one of her workshops, once again. This time is was “Build a Cardboard Robot Hand!” based on her fantastic book Robotics.

Unlike Saturday, there was little time to attend presentations or look around for me, until the very end of the day. Basically once the Mentos and Coke show started, I had time to leave the booth.

I did get a chance to present on my very favorite topic though! On Sunday I presented at the Make Membership stage about Maker Camp. The talk, “7 Tips for Maker Camp” featured ways to create or improve your Maker Camp program. Take a look!

Speaking of the Make Membership tent… There are some really cool offerings that now go far beyond a magazine subscription. With a Make Membership you can now take workshops and even participate in live events. Some of those live events, by the way, may very well be hosted by yours truly, so check it out!

It started to rain at the end of the day, so pack up was damp, but we were all happy. After all, we’d won a blue Editor’s Choice. Nothing makes you feel move like a super star than earning a ribbon at Maker Faire! It felt amazing to have all the hard work be recognized.

Editor’s Choice award at World Maker Faire NY 2018.

All in all it was an amazing year at Maker Faire. We met amazing people, shared amazing projects, learned amazing things. I’m already planning for next year with my family and friends! So until 2019, good bye to World Maker Faire, the Greatest Show and Tell on Earth!

See all of my Maker Faire photos in my Facebook Album. Or check out my Twitter account (#makerfaire #wmfny18) for my live feed of the event.

Night falls on Sunday at World Maker Faire NY 2018.

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